If you have decided to come to Sunyata Psychology, or if you have any questions, please get in touch today.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is therapy like?

Coming to therapy can be hard and scary at first because talking about yourself and your inner world can leave you feeling vulnerable. Coming to therapy can also be a heart-warming, satisfying and validating experience because you can be your authentic self and talk about anything that is on your mind in an unbiased space where you can feel truly heard.

How does therapy work?

The first session is spent telling your story, describing your difficulties and working out what you want to use therapy for. Not everyone knows what they want from therapy to start with, and that is ok. Over time you build a trusting relationship with your therapist and together you learn how your current struggles eventuated and what is perpetuating them. A plan is created for what you can do to cope better. Sometimes therapy is focused on making practical changes with strategies, skill building and problem solving. Sometimes therapy is slower paced and is about developing insight, sharing and processing.
Therapy is not easy. Nor is it a quick fix like taking a tablet or waving a magic wand. Changes resulting from psychotherapy can be subtle and gradual. The goal is not to ‘fix’ you because you are not broken. It is to help you better manage distress and the ups and downs that all humans experience.
In therapy the psychologist draws on their knowledge and experience to show you what you can do differently, or how you can interpret things differently, to change your perspectives and improve your wellbeing. It is then up to you to keep practicing what you learned to make lasting changes. Sometimes this is hard work and does not always feel good. However, with the support of your therapist and by consistently challenging yourself, you can move yourself closer to being the person you want to be, and to living the life you want to live.
Lastly, the most important aspect for effective psychology is the therapeutic relationship. Therapy rarely works if you are not comfortable with your psychologist. It is ok to keep trying new people until you find one that suits you.

How do I start?

When using a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP): You can go to your GP and ask for a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) and a referral to the psychologist. Sometimes your GP will have a psychologist they like to refer to, but you can also choose any psychologist you wish to see. It may be best to confirm the psychologist’s availability first because they sometimes have waiting lists.
Once you have chosen a psychologist and have your MHTP you can make your first appointment. At Sunyata Psychology you will be emailed a digital form to fill out before your first appointment.

What if I already have a MHTP?

If you already have a MHTP that was written to another therapist, you simply need to go back to your GP and ask them to write a referral letter to the new psychologist of your choosing. You can then use the remainder of your MHTP sessions with your new psychologist. The referral letter needs to state how many sessions the referral is for, the GP’s name, the GP’s provider number. The GP can write this letter in a regular consult session, it does not have to be a long session.

How long does a session go for?

Sessions go for 50 minutes.

If you are doing EMDR with your therapist, sometimes sessions will go for 80 minutes.

How much does therapy cost?

At Sunyata Psychology fees range from $200 to $280 per session.

When do I pay?

Your fee is processed from your card three days before your session.

Do I receive a Medicare Rebate?

Your Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) ensures that you receive a Medicare rebate which is deposited back into your bank account, typically the next day. This means that you pay a gap of around $100 for each session. The MHTP gives you 10 rebated sessions per calendar year. People typically come weekly or fortnightly to start with. Sometimes people only need to come for a few sessions. Sometimes they need much longer. Talk to your therapist about your particular needs.

What Funding is accepted

Funds Accepted Include:

  • Mental Health Treatment Plans (to obtain rebates). Please note, a Mental Health Treatment Plan does not mean the sessions are free. It means that you pay the session fee on the day, and Medicare will deposit the rebate amount back into your account, typically the next day. 
  • DVA 
  • NDIS (self-managed and third-party managed only)
  • Please note: Sunyata Psychology clinicians do not see clients under the work cover scheme

If you will be using a Mental Health Treatment Plan to obtain rebates for your sessions, you will need to email a copy (or a photo) of all pages of your Mental Health Treatment Plan and/or referral to when you complete your intake form. 

If you will be using DVA to access mental health support, you will need to go to your GP and ask them to complete a specific 12 session Allied Health Treatment Cycle referral form. 

This form can be accessed here https://www.dva.gov.au/sites/default/files/dvaforms/d0904_0.pdf or you can email us and we can send you the PDF. You also need to contact DVA and request or ensure that your white or gold card has ‘non-liability health care (mental health)” added to its cover. You can do this by calling 1800 500 457 – choose option 3, then option 1 – to get through to the approvals team. You will then have an accepted mental health disability on your card. The GP will need to write this on the referral form. You will need to email a copy (or a photo) of all pages of your allied health treatment cycle referral to and include your DVA white or gold card number, and your accepted mental health disability on your Sunyata Psychology intake form.

If you will be using your NDIS funding you will need to sign a service agreement between yourself and Sunyata Psychology before services can commence. Sunyata Psychology can only see people using their NDIS finding if they are self or third-party managed. 

What treatments are available?

  • Individual psychology for adults
  • Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Individually tailored Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) 10 session program
  • Schema Therapy (ST)
  • Diagnostic clarification
  • Telehealth

Do you offer EMDR?

Yes, Jane can provide EMDR treatment. EMDR is used to to help people recover from trauma. EMDR can also be effective when used for severe anxiety or phobias. EMDR processing sessions require a 90 minute appointment to allow enough time for the processing to occur. At least two or three 50 minute sessions are typically required to assess whether EMDR is the right treatment for you, to gather your history and to equip you with regulation skills before processing can begin. Contact the clinic if you would like to know more.

Reports for court

Please note that none of the clinicians at Sunyata Psychology are Forensic Psychologists. This means that we do not work with anyone who is in any active legal proceedings and might be seeking any letters, assessments or reports to take for support in their court hearing.

What if I have an interest in studying mental health?

Jane is also the head of the mental health arm of The Australian Mind Body Institute, a Registered Training Organisation, that delivers certifications in the areas of mental health, fitness and nutrition. To find out more, check out this page: https://australianmindbody.com.au/